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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

To yardsale, or not to yard sale, isn't that the question

Well, I have been cleaning house tonight. I have enough great junk that I really need to make a big todo yardsale out of it.  Sure, it is not the ideal time with the heat advisory everyday and all. I think it was only 100 degrees at about 7:30 this lovely morning.  Everytime I have ever had a yard sale, later the same day as I am counting my twenty dollars in dimes and nickles, I swear that I will never ever have another one.
But, here it is that time of year again, and I just may.

1 comment:

  1. Do you itemize your tax dedeuctions? If so, I think it's easier and more worthwhile to donate your items and then deduct them. I use Goodwill's pricing guide and then make sure to get a receipt when I drop things off. I use a spreadsheet to keep up with how I valued things. Takes a lot less time and effort.
