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Thursday, July 14, 2011


I would like to know why Obama supports, both economically and security-wise, a radical Islamic state such as Pakistan, whose loyalty to terrorists such as bin Laden was greater than its interests in cooperating with the United States even after they are our second largest recipient of fiancial aid.Congress appropriated $1.5 billion for economic and developmental purposes in order to gain there(somewhat shaky) support in strategically helping us with the war in Afghnistan agaist Al-Quaeda and the Taliban. Nevermind we know now that bin Laden was living in a fancy neighborhood over in Islamabad for the past five years while residents of Pakistan helped him out with his mansion, virgins and all.
                              Come on Americans, we have to get our head in this game, because Obama is on the wrong side here.  We have to let our governemt know we support all our friends in the free world, ESPECIALLY ISRAEL,stop trying to put pressure on Israel(our only real allys in the middle east)and pushing them towards the dang Auschwitz borders(often erroneously termed '1967 borders' but never recognized as such) why is our President trying to push Israel into the hands of all the enemies we know surround it?


Mad Science

Surprisingly few people these days are familiar with the life and times of one of humankind's most eccentric,  and insane scientific super-geniuses.  First off, Nikola Tesla was brilliant.  And not just like Ken Jennings brilliant, either - I mean like, "holy crap my head just exploded (from all the awesome)" brilliant. The Croatian-born engineer spoke eight languages, almost single-handedly developed technology that harnessed the power of electricity for household use, and invented things like electrical generators, FM radio, remote control, robots, spark plugs, fluorescent lights, and giant-ass machines that shoot enormous, brain-frying lightning bolts all over the place like crazy.  He had an unyielding, steel-trap photographic memory and an insane ability to visualize even the most complex pieces of machinery  the guy did advanced calculus and physics equations in his freakin' head, memorized entire books at a time, and successfully pulled off scientific experiments that modern-day technology STILL can't replicate.

Of course, much like many other eccentric giga-geniuses and diabolical masterminds, Tesla was also completely insane.  He was prone to nervous breakdowns, claimed to receive weird visions in the middle of the night, spoke to pigeons, and occasionally thought he was receiving electromagnetic signals from extraterrestrials on Mars.  He was also obsessive-compulsive and hated round objects, human hair, jewelry, and anything that wasn't divisible by three. He was also asexual and celibate for his entire life.  Basically, Nikola Tesla was the ultimate mad scientist, which is totallyawesome.   Still, J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI confiscated all his personal stuff and locked it away anyways, just to be safe. Thomas Edison gets all the glory for discovering the lightbulb, but it was his one-time assistant and life-long arch-nemesis, Nikola Tesla, who made the breakthroughs in alternating-current technology that allowed for people to cheaply use electricity to power appliances and lighting in their homes.Today, all homes and applicances run on Tesla's AC current.                           
         We now know that Tesla was interested and experimented in such "wild" ideas as free energy, antigravity, invisibility and even time travel.  Its no surprise that Tesla in his day was loathe to speak of these kinds of interests - after all, even today these areas of study still come under fire by some "mainstream" scientists, who refuse to use their imaginations and intellect, and scorn such interests with terms such as "bad science" and quackery.
Why don't we hear more about this man ho created the 20th century and beyond?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Artist can be extreme

“There are some days when I think I'm going to die from an overdose of satisfaction.”-Salva
​dor Dalí

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Am I hearing things?

I am fixing to go to bed, but I keep hearing these little noises. What could it be you ask. Well, It is indeed my crabs. I learned they talk to each other. They speak crab. I bet you did not know that. Or, maybe I am the only one who did not know crabs made noises. hmmmmmm

My Crabs are getting better

Yes, I am talking about hermit crabs.  At times they have disappointed me with there lifelessness. I keep thinking they are dead. Tonight I gave them a crab bath( this is important, said the national society for hermit crab lovers)I changed out the sand they were living in, they are all alive and really hamming it up tonight. If you are a night owl, hermit crabs might be what you need to keep you company. I do say though, they seem to be a lot of work.

To yardsale, or not to yard sale, isn't that the question

Well, I have been cleaning house tonight. I have enough great junk that I really need to make a big todo yardsale out of it.  Sure, it is not the ideal time with the heat advisory everyday and all. I think it was only 100 degrees at about 7:30 this lovely morning.  Everytime I have ever had a yard sale, later the same day as I am counting my twenty dollars in dimes and nickles, I swear that I will never ever have another one.
But, here it is that time of year again, and I just may.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I have become obsessed with several things lately. I started a blog to get them off my brain. With all the weather and political craziness of the whole world earth, I constantly try to keep up with what is going on. I also have read like a zillion ideas and theories on why the Christian rapture is either very soon, or the world should perhaps be very worried indeed. Well, I will not get into any of that right now, because, I have 3 new friends. They are Hermit crabs. I want them to come out and play. I have created them a perfect crabitat. Sand,toys, food. Fresh distilled water, chlorine water is bad for them, but I even got them pre made crab salt water.  Sure, they may be under a lot of stress, from the move into their new crab island, but keep awaiting the day they all come out of their shell.